(Please feel free to share this invitation on an individual basis – no group emails please – as you feel appropriate!) LENT 2024 Wednesday evening Vespers: see below, different link than usual! You are welcome to join us in person or online from this page, during COVID-19 or at any […]

The adult catechism class at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church helped the congregation extend an invitation to the community to prepare for the coming Christmas season with their church sign. The message was in place for the entire season of Advent. Join us this Advent as the +Word prepares us for […]
Community encouraged to prepare for Christmas

Tuesdays, 9-9:30pm (2016-2017 academic year) Good Shepherd invites members of the Crandall University community and others to a peaceful nighttime prayer service in the MacArthur Chapel each week of classes on Tuesday evenings at (or around) 9:30pm. Join us for a brief order of Christ-centred Bible readings, prayers, psalms, fellowship, […]
Nighttime Prayer Service in MacArthur Chapel, Crandall University

The new GSLC website has arrived! We’ve updated and improved Good Shepherd’s website. If you have suggestions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Looking for something specific on the old site? For a short while, an archive of the old site will be available at old.GoodShepherd.nb.ca, but it […]
New GSLC website has arrived!

The Concordia Academy of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, a private Lutheran Christian K-3 School, held classes during the 2010-2011 school year in Moncton, New Brunswick. Concordia is now closed due to unforeseen hurdles, insufficient class sizes and in order to redirect our energies elsewhere. For all the good we and […]
Concordia Academy Closing

It has been a long time in coming, but finally on Sunday, September 21st, 2008, the construction of the joint facilities of the Concordia Academy of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and of Kingswood Academy Daycare was set up to be built on the solid foundation of Christ and His Word […]
Groundbreaking for Concordia Academy and Kingswood Academy Daycare

On September 1st, 2001, Jim… and Rhonda… got married at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in a simple ceremony and a dazzle of Mountie uniforms! The + Peace of the Lord be with you always!
Mounties ‘Get Hitched’ at Good Shepherd

On July 10, 2000, on the 50th anniversary of their wedding, Peter and Bonnie (Florence) McLeod renewed their wedding vows before God and His people during the Divine Service at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Moncton, New Brunswick. If it were possible, they looked happier after 50 years than even on […]
50 Years of Marriage — Renewed!

On August 8th, 1999, the Lord of the Church, having Solemnly Called candidate David Milette through the congregation of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church to serve them in His name as their pastor, officiant Rev. Dr. Roger Winger, president of Lutheran Church-Canada East District, ordained him into the Office of the […]