The Epiphany Proclamation 2024: joy in +His Birth, and more in +His Resurrection

Dear brothers and sisters,

The glory of the Lord is dawning upon us,
and will always shine on us
until the day of his return.

As we have rejoiced in the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ,
so by God’s mercy we announce to you
the joy of our Savior’s resurrection.

  • We will celebrate the mysteries of our salvation
    in the course of the coming year:
  • Ash Wednesday will be on the 14th of February,
    the beginning of the season of Lent.
  • Palm Sunday will be on the 24th of March,
    Maundy Thursday on the 28th, and
    Good Friday on the 29th of March.
  • We will celebrate Resurrection of our Lord on the 31st of March,
  • with Easter joy.
  • The Ascension of our Lord will be on Thursday, the 9th of May.
  • The Day of Pentecost will be on Sunday, the 19th of May.
  • The First Sunday of Advent will be on the 1st of December.

To Jesus Christ, who is, who was, and who is coming,
the Lord of all time and history,
be endless praise, forever and ever.

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