Groundbreaking for Concordia Academy and Kingswood Academy Daycare

It has been a long time in coming, but finally on Sunday, September 21st, 2008, the construction of the joint facilities of the Concordia Academy of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and of Kingswood Academy Daycare was set up to be built on the solid foundation of Christ and His Word as the ground was broken in the name of the Triune God.

From as far away as Charlottown (PEI), the congregation assembled at Good Shepherd with friends and guests at the usual time of 11AM, at which time we confessed our sins and received the Word of Forgiveness which Christ won for us on the cross. Many hymns and spiritual songs ancient and modern followed, including the great “Gloria In Excelcis Deo”, “Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us”, and the Old Testament “Sanctus” (or “Holy, Holy, Holy”), all arranged with Bible passages and prayers in a beautiful, Christ-centered and historic pattern that teaches us about the ways of God with mankind. Center-stage, so to speak, were readings from the Holy Scriptures and the preaching of the Gospel of Christ crucified and risen for us by our guest Rev. Allen Maleske, president of Lutheran Church-Canada‘s East District. President Maleske based his sermon on Ephesians 2:19-22 with the theme “Building for Eternity.” Finally, the culmination of the Lord’s Divine Service to us came as He assured us of our forgiveness, life, and salvation through the body and blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Finally, the moment so many of us had been waiting for: instead of the familiar closing benediction, the congregation and our many special guests processed in a glad parade right out the door while singing the beautiful hymn, “The Church’s One Foundation”, with the crucifix, the Good Shepherd banner, and our pastors leading the way. Our procession went down the hill where we all met up again just outside where the front door of our new School and Daycare facility will soon be found, by the grace of God. The Rite of Groundbreaking was then followed, leading us to begin the spiritual as well as physical construction of this house of learning and caring with the reading of Psalm 127 and of our Lord’s parable of the man who built his house on the rock from Luke 6:47-49. Then Pastor Milette led the whole assembly in turning over the first little mound of grassy earth in the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit, followed by President Maleske and members of our School Steering Committee and of our Church Council, and then everyone was invited to join in also – including the little children, of course!

After everyone had had an opportunity to participate, including our friends from the Kingswood Academy Daycare staff, we concluded the groundbreaking with the Lord’s Prayer as He Himself taught us to pray, prayers for our School & Daycare and for the Holy Gospel, that it might bring about great joy and strength as it is taught and shared here, and finally the New Testament Benediction.
Afterward, all our guests were invited to share with members in a plentiful good old-fashioned “potluck” meal, reflecting many of the varied tastes and backgrounds of our congregation: from lasagna to boeuf bourgignon, from sushi to Korean beef and noodle dishes, topped off with a beautiful “Unless the Lord Builds the House” (Ps 127:1a) cake. Wow! And Yum!

Many thanks to everyone who helped make this historic day a memorable one for all who participated and for all who will benefit from our Concordia Academy and Kingswood Academy Daycare in months and years to come. Most of all, all thanks and praise be to our God, Father, + Son and Holy Spirit, who has given us such forgiven and renewed hearts through our Lord Jesus Chirst that we should put our trust in Him as we look for ways to serve our neighbour in mind, body, and soul!

By the continued grace of God, we look forward to the blessing of the cornerstone in the coming months. We hope you can join us!

+ Peace be with you, through Christ our Saviour!

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