Thank you Hildegard, hello Riverview!

We are moving!

Riverview, N.B. – On May 1, the congregation of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Moncton said goodbye to one building and hello to another in a special service of disposition and moving.

The congregation’s new address is 28 Woolridge Street in Riverview. The congregation is renting space from St. John the Baptist Anglican Church, where they will now hold Divine Service and Bible Study on Sunday afternoons. A French-language Vespers service will continue to take place on Tuesday evenings. The schedule for other activities will vary. The building will also provide Rev. Milette with office space.

Since 1987, Good Shepherd has resided at 25 Hildegard Drive in Moncton. “We are so grateful to the former Eastern District in convention and through its various entities; the LWML; the former East District CEF, Rev. Bruer; the founding members of our congregation and so many self-sacrificing volunteers since; our sister congregations across Lutheran Church–Canada; and all our generous and active partners in the Gospel over the years… who have provided us such a beautiful and useful church building,” wrote Rev. David Milette. The building, he said, has been an important “launching place and a resource for ministry and mission throughout Atlantic Canada over the years.” But changing circumstances made the move necessary.

“All things are sanctified by the Word of God and prayer—even a hard day like this,” Rev. Milette said. “God knows how to care for us.”

2022-04-30 GSLC 28 Woodleigh in Riverview

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