Everyone was invited!
After building an Ark, Pastor read the story of Noah from a Bible Story Book, “Noah’s 2 by 2 Adventure!” Boy where the children surprised when the “water” suddenly appeared around them too!
“Rise, and shine, and give God the glory, glory” )(the “arky arky” song) helped us all to recognize God’s grace in giving Noah and his family and all the creatures an Ark and a Promise, but more still in giving us His Son Jesus Christ as the redeemer of sinners and the promise of everlasting life!
Can you guess what animal this child is imitating? Can you imitate it too? (They sure know a lot of amazing animals…)
A bit of colouring at the beginning got them in the mood for contemplating rainbows and other wonders and signs of God’s grace, past and present, and His unending faithfulness…
… while a craft bag for a little gift new testament helped build an association they can take home between God’s rescuing work for Noah from the great flood through the Ark and His rescuing work for us all from the consequence of sin through Baptism by which God clothes us with Christ (Gal 3:27) and saves us (I Peter 3:21)!
Two verses were taught that day:
- Psalm 56:4, “In God I trust” (first God teaches his faithfulness so we have a ground of faith) “I will not be afraid!” (then faith, built on the Solid Rock and anchored in His Promises, rescues, comforts, and preserves us for Jesus’ sake!)
- Mark 16:16a, “Whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved.” (see below)
So where is Jesus in the story of Noah’s Ark?
(a little help for parents who weren’t there)
- Christ is in “the extras”: did you know that, of the “clean animals”, God sent Noah not 2 but 7 pairs of each (Gen 7:2-3)? Why so many more of some than others? Some of the clean animals were supplied to Noah by God so he would be able to give a sacrifice of thanksgiving (Gen 8:20-22); similarly and moreso, Christ is sent from our Father in Heaven to be the only sacrifice that pays for the sin of the whole world! (1 John 2:2)
- Christ is in “the rainbow”: the rainbow that was a sign and promise given to the believers God had rescued through the Ark, that God’s wrath would never again flood the world with water (Gen 9:12-16) was and remains only a partial rainbow, and only partially preserves the world; similarly and moreso, later on, the Bible tells of Christ, who is Himself THE Sign and Promise given to all believers, and that God’s full wrath against sin has been poured out on + Jesus Christ rather than us. After His Death, His Resurrection, and His Ascension, He is seen with a rainbow over + His head (Rev 10:1) as He mediates between earth and heaven!
- Christ is in “the ark”: the ark was the place God prepared through His Word for those who trusted in Him for rescue and life (Gen 6:11-22); similarly and moreso, the “ark” of the Church (not the building, the flock of God’s sheep gathered around the Good Shepherd) is the place God has prepared through His Word too, for those who trust Him for rescue from sin, death, and the devil, and for life everlasting for Jesus’ sake (see Matt 14:22ff). That’s why the inside of church building are historically called “the nave” (which means “ship”, cf. navigate)!
- Christ is in the “the water and the word”: the same water that destroyed and scrubbed the world clean of evil was the same water that lifted up and carried the ark along safely to the place God had prepared for His children again to live and flourish; similarly and moreso, in Holy Baptism the same water that puts our sinfulness to death by repentance through the power of the Word (Matt 28:18-20) also raises us up with Christ to a new life by faith (Rom 6:4).
Many thanks to all our volunteers, but especially all glory be to God alone!
Our next Bible Adventure day is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, October 25th, 2008, featuring another great rescue story from the Old Testament, Moses, just in time for Reformation Sunday (Oct 26). Please call for information or to pre-register!
+ Peace be with you, through Christ our Saviour!