Pastor Milette teaching the little ones the Good News about God’s love for us in Jesus, our Saviour, at Pentecost!
“Feed My Lambs,” the Lord told Peter after Easter, as He was restoring the formerly Christ-denying disciple (John 21:15-19). Jesus had told him this before — “When you have turned again,strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:31-32).
Every school year since 2006, in a partnership between Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Kingswood Academy Daycare in Moncton NB, Pastor David Milette has been sharing the Good News that we have a Saviour in Jesus Christ, God’s Son with many of the daycare children — especially with those who are getting ready for Kindergarten! As this school year comes to a close, Pentecost was observed among these happy preschoolers in a special way with rushing winds (from fans), tongues of flames (coloured ones), and most importantly a series of “recap” Bible Stories and different stanzas of hymns we have learned together all through the year. Furthermore, these little lambs did a great job turning the tables on Pastor and telling him the Good News of God’s love for us using the words of the Apostles’ Creed!
For those who want to continue singing with their children at home (or learn some new songs), here is a sampling of some of the songs we learned together these past few years “in Chapel.”
+ SDG! +