Reformation Day Resources
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The Story of the
Lutheran Reformation

Selected Works 
by Martin Luther

The Lutheran Confessions of the Faith

Lutheran Reformation

The Story of the Lutheran Reformation

Portals of Prayer online, October 2005 (CPH)
    Daily readings following the events of the Lutheran Reformation during October 2005 (also available in Windows Media WMA)

About Martin Luther and others

  Time line (WELS)
La Réforme, le 31 octobre 1517 (French) (EL)

Images of Reformation History (DW)

Selected Works by Martin Luther

Preface to the Collection of Luther's Latin Writings (that is, Luther's opinion of his own writings)
Introductory Readings in Martin Luther (LB)
Selected Works of Martin Luther (PW)
Luther's Sacristy Prayer (PW)
Luther's Seal, explained in his own words (see above)

Confessions of the Lutheran Church, authored by Luther

Online Books Luther nailing 95 Theses against Indulgences to the door of the castle church, Oct 31 1517 (Click to view larger image)
Luther's 95 Theses (Oct 31, 1517) Images of Lutheran Preaching (DW)
  • Meaning of the Cross (Cranach's Weimar Altarpiece) -- An about this painting
  • Holy Baptism
  • Lutheran Preaching: the Cross
  • The Means of Grace (Altar Panels)
  • The Word and Sacraments, the Cross of Christ, and the Grace of God
  • Other sources:

    The Lutheran Confession of the Faith

    Luther's Large Catechism (1529)

    The Six Chief Parts of Luther's Catechism (click to enlarge)Luther's Small Catechism (1529) The Presentation of the Augsburg Confession (click to enlarge)The Augsburg Confession (June 25, 1530) The Authors of the Formula of Concord (click to enlarge)The Christian Book of Concord (1580) (The Lutheran Confessions) Further reading:

    Selected Lutheran Reformation Hymns
    (The link under the hymn number is to the text (LH), the link under "tune" is to the MIDI (LH), and under MP3 is to a choir recording (LHS).  Unless otherwise indicated, many of the texts below are by Martin Luther.)


    Church Year Hymn versions of portions of The Divine Service
    (that is, the Communion Liturgy / the Evangelical Mass) The Catechism: Lord, Help us ever to retain (Ludvig Helmbold) - TLH 288 (tune) / LW 477 (tune) More on Lutheran Hymns and Hymnals

    Sources referenced and further reading / listening

    Last updated: October 22, 2005 (Minor update, March 7, 2006)
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